Feed sack tags/labels

I’m a small farmer and have recently been setting up a bagging operation, mainly for deer corn. I’m trying to find out the best way to make labels or tags that sew in the bag when closing it up. I thought some others on here might be doing something similar. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I sew 2x4 shipping labels on my fescue seed bags. I have a thermal transfer printer I can print self adhesive labels with tag info on and stick it to the shipping label. You could just stick the labels to the sack, but they don't stick very well to a dirty sack.
I’m a small farmer and have recently been setting up a bagging operation, mainly for deer corn. I’m trying to find out the best way to make labels or tags that sew in the bag when closing it up. I thought some others on here might be doing something similar. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

You could print labels using tyvek paper for inkjet or laser printers.
Not cheap like regular paper, but you should be able to get several labels per 8.5x11 inch sheet.
Tyvek is waterproof and tear resistant.

Wife sews oven mitts and other fabric items to sell at craft shows during the Christmas season.
And sews in printed tyvek labels with washing instructions that can be ripped off if desired.
You could print labels using tyvek paper for inkjet or laser printers.
Not cheap like regular paper, but you should be able to get several labels per 8.5x11 inch sheet.
Tyvek is waterproof and tear resistant.

Wife sews oven mitts and other fabric items to sell at craft shows during the Christmas season.
And sews in printed tyvek labels with washing instructions that can be ripped off if desired.
This might help.

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