Fendt + tedder







Hay must be worth big$$$$$ there to have a high dollar unit like that just to fluff hay. And do you need a tractor of that size to handel that tedder??? Lots of hay done here,chopped baled round or big square, but no tedders like that.
(quoted from post at 23:13:40 05/31/12) Hay must be worth big$$$$$ there to have a high dollar unit like that just to fluff hay. And do you need a tractor of that size to handel that tedder??? Lots of hay done here,chopped baled round or big square, but no tedders like that.

This grass is silage, will be rowed up and chopped with s/p harvester.

The Fendt owner is contractor [custom operator] who needs big tractors & implements to cover big acreages quickly.

This Fendt is 125HP, needs this HP & hydraulic power to drive his McHale combined round baler & wrapper.

The average HP sold here today is 140HP.

Grass is made into chopped silage for dairy farmers, and silage or haylage is round baled & wrapped for feeding to beef cattle & sheep.

Almost no hay is made in Britain today, our summer weather is too wet. And they can get 2 to 3 cuts of silage/haylage instead of 1 cut of hay. A few people still make a few small square bales of hay to sell to horse owners.

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