Ferguson tea20 fluids.

I would like to change the fluids in the tractor. Would this stuff be OK for it.i always used it in my Massey 35 diesel tractor I had before this one.

This post was edited by Dave murray on 12/16/2023 at 04:26 pm.


Hi...I run both a 1963 MF 35 3 cylinder Perkins Diesel,as well as a Ferguson TEA-20.

May I ask what happened to your MF 35.?
(quoted from post at 19:16:24 12/16/23) Hi...I run both a 1963 MF 35 3 cylinder Perkins Diesel,as well as a Ferguson TEA-20.

May I ask what happened to your MF 35.?
the clutch went in it and I didn't want to spend the money on it as the motor was not very good either.so a guy gave me $1200 for it and I picked up the tea20 for$ 2200. It's a bit.smaller tractor but usable for all I need it for..I plan to fix it up some then sell it and get something a little bigger next summer.

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