First time tractor buyer

In my opinion recommending a JD4020 as an economical option for a first tractor is not really a number one in this situation. They are overpriced simply due to their popularity. The 43 & (45), 46 suggested are good recommendations.
Yes a 4020 is a great tractor, built solid, time proven and historically holds its value well just not one I would recommend in this situation due to overpricing.
Ricky1, welcome to YT!
Others may have also said this. To give you an answer that is pertinent to your situation you need to give us a budget number you are working within.

In my opinion recommending a JD4020 as an economical option for a first tractor is not really a number one in this situation. They are overpriced simply due to their popularity. The 43 & (45), 46 suggested are good recommendations.
Yes a 4020 is a great tractor, built solid, time proven and historically holds its value well just not one I would recommend in this situation due to overpricing.
Ricky1, welcome to YT!
Others may have also said this. To give you an answer that is pertinent to your situation you need to give us a budget number you are working within.
Thanks and yeah I’m thinking like 10-15 tops. Closer to 10.
A lot of good thoughts so far. What is your budget? How old do you want? You want a loader, I would go 1/2 the age and double the budget unless you ARE wanting a project to work on. I would suggest an industrial tractor with a loader on it. You also need PTO and 3pt for what you are wanting to do. Ford, Massey and IH made acceptable units but know some IHC made by Dresser, after being sold off, have NLA parts but than all OLD tractors do. We don't know how much work you have to do or how quick you want to do it. I had lots of time, wanted to spend time doing it so I got an 850 JD (Yanmar) 4x4. I have built ponds, dug house foundations, cleared land, planted hay fields and worked a lot of garden plots....James
I’ve considered buying a newer Yanmar. Can get a big 2022 for 28 but that’s a lot to me. I do know about old stuff breaking down. Lol
Hey y’all! I’m looking to buy a tractor. It’ll be older, I don’t care how old and needs to have a loader. The main thing is dependability and power. Wanting at least 50 hp. I don’t have a farm but plan on doing things like lot clean up, bush hogging and putting in a road. What do y’all recommend? I’ve seen good things about IH and Fords in the older years. Any feedback is appreciated!!
I’m looking in the 10k range. Otherwise I’ll probably buy new or close to it. Y’all’s input has been invaluable. Thanks!!
That’s what I been doing lol
Id be looking at 2090 case 2290 case
Some came with 3 point and you can do a lot more driveway building with a scraper than loader.
Loader can be quickly broke and abused depending on soil.
Go with 100 hp and pull equipment instead of push and break a loader.
If not front assisted a loader tractor needs to be a lot bigger to do the same job.
I’m looking in the 10k range. Otherwise I’ll probably buy new or close to it. Y’all’s input has been invaluable. Thanks!!
What I would suggest now is for you to hunt the market for a tractor that you think you would buy based upon your needs and post back with that tractor and ask for advice. Of course it is up to you to inspect it for problems before buying as you need to beware of any ads.

This site has a forum for posting tractors for sale and tractor want ads. Check there as well.

Need an articulating back blade to get the angles you need for building ditches for roads. Moving dirt for a road is the easier part. Cutting in ditches, drainage channels, and putting in drain pipe isn't. Doable but easier with a blade/road grader.
Hey y’all! I’m looking to buy a tractor. It’ll be older, I don’t care how old and needs to have a loader. The main thing is dependability and power. Wanting at least 50 hp. I don’t have a farm but plan on doing things like lot clean up, bush hogging and putting in a road. What do y’all recommend? I’ve seen good things about IH and Fords in the older years. Any feedback is appreciated!!
I'll just go out and say it. New Holland 3010S with any loader. I've been happy with mine. Make sure the rears are loaded or weighted or you won't like it. The basic tractor is from Italy's Fiat concern and this same basic frame was sold under the Hesson name for a time. In the 3010S the states PTO Hp is 42, but it's gross is about 50hp
I'll just go out and say it. New Holland 3010S with any loader. I've been happy with mine. Make sure the rears are loaded or weighted or you won't like it. The basic tractor is from Italy's Fiat concern and this same basic frame was sold under the Hesson name for a time. In the 3010S the states PTO Hp is 42, but it's gross is about 50hp
I also believe either brand tractor Hesson or New Holland used the same Iveco diesel. Tractor Data lists it as 2.7 L. On the 3010S tractor Data states the engine is putting out 55hp
I think a modern 4x4 tractor with 1/3 less hp will do more work then a "old" 2x tractor, especially with a loader. Smaller to get around, quicker, safer and better ergonomics. I had a Massey 255 and I could do a lot more work with the 850 JD and It was a lot easier to haul, I just had a light low 10' 1 axle tilt trailer and S-10 4 cyl pickup....James
I think a modern 4x4 tractor with 1/3 less hp will do more work then a "old" 2x tractor, especially with a loader. Smaller to get around, quicker, safer and better ergonomics. I had a Massey 255 and I could do a lot more work with the 850 JD and It was a lot easier to haul, I just had a light low 10' 1 axle tilt trailer and S-10 4 cyl pickup....James
If you pulled anything with a 4cyl s-10 it was surely light 🤣 I can see the point in tech and efficiency. I wonder why I see people wanting less hp? I’m from the car world, sounds like blasphemy lol
If you pulled anything with a 4cyl s-10 it was surely light 🤣 I can see the point in tech and efficiency. I wonder why I see people wanting less hp? I’m from the car world, sounds like blasphemy lol
You misunderstand jwal10's post.

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