Ford 2600 lift control/draft control


So I read the 2600 manual. Doesnt state which lever is what. Other than showing a lift control stop that stops the INNER lever.

I find info on the 3600 and it shows the lift control as the outer lever.

So which lever is what?
Neither handle is called "Lift control". One is position control and the other is draft control. On both the 2600 and the 3600, the handle closest to the center of the tractor (left most as you're sitting on the seat) should be the draft control handle, and the outer one (toward the right as you're sitting on the tractor) should be the position control handle.
Thanks. But look at this pic on the manual. Its says to set the "lift control" (position control) limiter. You can see that the limiter would stop the inner lever--but that is the draft control as you stated.


  • liftlever.jpg
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I have had Fords for decades, currently have 3. Never saw that lever stop to which the arrow is pointing.....the one above is the kind on my Fords.
Thanks. But look at this pic on the manual. Its says to set the "lift control" (position control) limiter. You can see that the limiter would stop the inner lever--but that is the draft control as you stated.
It looks like that lift limiter is to hold the draft control handle down so that the position control handle will work in true position control mode. If the draft control handle is partway up then you are running in "mixed mode" which I never quite understood the need for, or how it actually works.
Thanks. But look at this pic on the manual. Its says to set the "lift control" (position control) limiter. You can see that the limiter would stop the inner lever--but that is the draft control as you stated.
It says to install it onto the "lift control lever quadrant". The quadrant is the curved sheet metal frame that both the draft and position control handles ride along. So I understand why that is called the "lift control lever quadrant", but neither handle is called the lift control handle. That same picture clearly specifies to push the draft control lever all of the way down and to use the position control lever to raise and lower the equipment. So the levers/handles are the draft control lever/handle and the position control lever/handle..
Thanks for the know you would think in this manual under the "controls and instruments" section there would be an illustration pointing out the draft vs position lever. jeez!

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