Ford 3000 serial number


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Can anyone identify these numbers on this Ford 3000 dieseI and help me with the year model? From my understanding the serial number should be starting with a C and three numbers stacked on top of each other in this location according to but this is what I have The first three is a B00 The crankshaft pulley on the engine has the seal surface made to the back of it. Unlike the ones I see available, would that date the Tractor older than what I’m thinking it is if there was a C in front of the 4233 number it would be dated a 74 model but I’m a little confused here. Any help appreciated
thanks in advance.
View attachment 75200Can anyone identify these numbers on this Ford 3000 dieseI and help me with the year model? From my understanding the serial number should be starting with a C and three numbers stacked on top of each other in this location according to but this is what I have The first three is a B00 The crankshaft pulley on the engine has the seal surface made to the back of it. Unlike the ones I see available, would that date the Tractor older than what I’m thinking it is if there was a C in front of the 4233 number it would be dated a 74 model but I’m a little confused here. Any help appreciated View attachment 75199thanks in advance.
B004233 is the serial number, B means built at the Ford plant in Basildon England, serial numbers starting with 0 are an export version, B004233 is an early serial number, 1965. B155 is a date code for final assembly, February 15, 1965. 5B01C is another date code, probably for the transmission, February 1, 1965, afternoon shift.
B004233 is the serial number, B means built at the Ford plant in Basildon England, serial numbers starting with 0 are an export version, B004233 is an early serial number, 1965. B155 is a date code for final assembly, February 15, 1965. 5B01C is another date code, probably for the transmission, February 1, 1965, afternoon shift.
Thank you so much that definitely clears things up, that would explain the difference in the crankshaft pulley I guess I haven’t been able to find anything by googling. This has been a project I’ve started on. The block is being sleeved because of a pinhole, coolant was getting into the oil pan.thanks again
Andy has it right
If the pulley has a groove where the seal rides you can replace the pulley with the spacer sleeve and flat face pulley used on later models
Just make sure the pulley has the same spoke openings as the original for correct balancing
Andy has it right
If the pulley has a groove where the seal rides you can replace the pulley with the spacer sleeve and flat face pulley used on later models
Just make sure the pulley has the same spoke openings as the original for correct balancing
Thanks for bringing that up I did see the spacer in the parts and wondered if that would work, the original pulley will definitely leak thanks probably will go that route

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