Ford 4600 position control reversed



On my Ford 4600 the position control lever for the 3pt linkage is the opposite to what is expected. Push the lever down the 3pt linkage lifts, pull it back it goes down. The draft control works as expected. Apart from being the wrong way around it works correctly.

I'm assuming a linkage is around the wrong way.

Is this an easy fix or do you have to pull the top off the hydraulics to fix it?


On my Ford 4600 the position control lever for the 3pt linkage is the opposite to what is expected. Push the lever down the 3pt linkage lifts, pull it back it goes down. The draft control works as expected. Apart from being the wrong way around it works correctly.

I'm assuming a linkage is around the wrong way.

Is this an easy fix or do you have to pull the top off the hydraulics to fix it?

I'm trying to wrap my head around how that would be possible. Where do you have the draft lever when you're using the position lever?
Pretty sure it's in the down position.

Then you put the position leave down to make it go up. Or bring it up to make it go down.

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