Ford 555 year build help


New User
Can anyone help me with decoding the year of my tractor? This is what I have found so far.

Ford 555 Serial-C407001








Serial # C407001 is for a tractor built in 1974 in the US, but my literature says 555 production began in 75
Is this a 3 cylinder or 4 cylinder tractor?
55011J could be the model number but the first digit should be a letter
Can you post a photo of the numbers and of the tractor
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It’s a 4 cylinder diesel. 74 seems appropriate, however I wouldn't doubt it being a little newer either. Thank you for the information.
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Serial # C407001 is for a tractor built in 1974 in the US, but my literature says 555 production began in 75
Is this a 3 cylinder or 4 cylinder tractor?
55011J could be the model number but the first digit should be a letter
Can you post a photo of the numbers and of the tractor
sorry I’m out of town and that’s the only picture I have on my phone I believe. I’ll post more if I can find them.


  • IMG_2815.png
    4.4 MB · Views: 16
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The 5550 decal looks appropriate and Aline’s with the 74 model year
For a 5550 the model code should start with E55
11J would be for a diesel engine with no pto and 6x6 torque convertor auto reversing transmission
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