Ford 5610 Problem


I found a 1985 Ford 5610 tractor for sale, went and tried it out today, started right up and ran good, sounded good, and had good power and not much blow by. The PTO was hooked to a bush hog and when i first started it up the PTO shaft was slowly turning (like JD's do when they are cold) but when i moved the lever to engage the PTO nothing happened, i tried it several times and it never would turn on. The tractor was a little low on hydraulic oil but the lift went up and down ok, after turning the engine off the lift stayed up a good while. Could the low oil be the issue or something major?? I don't need another project tractor!!!!

Also on the brake side of the tractor beside the lift lever there is a black knob that says "Pull Selector" what does this do? When i pulled it the engine changed tune but the PTO still wouldn't speed up.
I found a 1985 Ford 5610 tractor for sale, went and tried it out today, started right up and ran good, sounded good, and had good power and not much blow by. The PTO was hooked to a bush hog and when i first started it up the PTO shaft was slowly turning (like JD's do when they are cold) but when i moved the lever to engage the PTO nothing happened, i tried it several times and it never would turn on. The tractor was a little low on hydraulic oil but the lift went up and down ok, after turning the engine off the lift stayed up a good while. Could the low oil be the issue or something major?? I don't need another project tractor!!!!

Also on the brake side of the tractor beside the lift lever there is a black knob that says "Pull Selector" what does this do? When i pulled it the engine changed tune but the PTO still wouldn't speed up.
That tractor has a hydraulic pto clutch that is activated by the low pressure side of the main hydraulic pump... So.. low side of pump could be bad, or hydraulic valve could be bad, or the line to the hyd valve has burst, or the hydr clutch pack is bad or blown seal. would ck the low side pressure test first off.. this low side also controls the optional dual power if the tractor has that option.
I agree with sotxbill. I suggest to check low circuit hyd pressure. I once owned a 5610 that was a very good tractor. Unfortunately it accidently caught on fire & ended up being a total loss.
Not a big deal if you can do the work yourself. I have done several over the years. Could be the hydraulic pump or the line going to the control valve. PTO Clutch pack is easy to rebuild and parts are readily available.
Good Fords are getting harder to find every day. If the tractor is what you want other wise, buy it, fix it and you will be glad you did.
That tractor has a hydraulic pto clutch that is activated by the low pressure side of the main hydraulic pump... So.. low side of pump could be bad, or hydraulic valve could be bad, or the line to the hyd valve has burst, or the hydr clutch pack is bad or blown seal. would ck the low side pressure test first off.. this low side also controls the optional dual power if the tractor has that option.
Twice now I have found the low pressure tube disconnected from the valve.. as the little end connector is not the best in the world. By putting in a slightly oversized oring, got it to stay on. IIRC Bern said there was an upgrade along the line, so you may or may not have the newer tube and connector. But this is one of several things is could be.

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