Ford 8N High & Low Gear

The 1950 8N Im working has a lever on the left side in front of the clutch. I understand its the shifter for a not so common high/low range gear. Ive read that to shift this lever that, in neutral and clutch engaged, you pull out on the lever and then shift forward or back. The lever on my tractor WILL NOT pull out the amount that I understand that it should. Therefore it will not shift forward or back. Can any of you comment on why this would be? The manuals that I have dont even show this part or lever on the tractor, more reason for me to believe this additional transmission gearing was not very common. A little more of my understanding of this gearing is that this tractor has a normal range, and then the additional high and low range on this four speed, giving it 12 gears. Any help and guidance on the inability to pull out and shift this lever is appreciated. New member here. Thanks yall!
Thanks Tony. Yes I did see that video and partly why I realize the lever should easily pull out and then shift. My lever will not pull out but an 1/8 or so. So it is not getting to the position that it can shift.
Could be a number of things. many people don't know there is a standard range on the combo in which case it's not used so will need some penetrating oil might loosen it up, could be shifter rail
or worn fork. If you are lucky enough to have a creeper trans which has one rail than it will not pull out. You can pop the steering box or pull the starter for a look see.
Like this:


...just a sample here...

The SHERMAN AUXILIARY TRANSMISSIONS were optional Ford Dealer accessories, never a factory installed item. It began as a Step-Up Transmission with the 9N Tractor as
farmers wanted a faster road gear to get to and from their fields. Soon, thh Step-Down, Combo (STEP-UP & STEP-DOWN) then later the reversing models were added. You can
get most of the brochures and manuals over on the other Ford N-Tractor web site in the 'manuals/transmission' forum there for free download. One of the SHERMAN
experts here is Kirk-NJ. You really need to get all the ESSENTIAL MANUALS and other Ford Tractor books and learn about your Ford 8N if'N ya wanna be a Ford N Tractor
owner. The CLYMER/I&T FO-4 Manual, one of the essential requirements for every N Owner, has a chapter on the SHERMANS.

Tim Daley(MI)
Does your tractor have a Sherman combination transmission or simply an OD version? OD versions have only two ranges, direct and OD, and the shifter does not pull out to the side.

Is the shifter on your tractor made of cast steel and does it look like the one in the photo above? If so, it is almost certainly a combination.

If the shifter is made of steel rod and has a threaded on ball, the transmission is almost certainly an step-up (OD) version.

So here are a couple of photos of the supposed High Low lever I
posted about. The lever was dogleg shaped, but that part snapped
off trying to shift it. Ive sprayed it with WD a few times and not I get a
tiny bit more in and out movement, but still not enough to shift
forward and back. I notice that the lever goes through a hole in the
transmission housing(? not sure the correct name) with no seal of
any kind. You can see past the lever to the inside. See the closer up
pic. I read one of your comments about this additional gearing was
only installed by the dealer, or the owner for that matter, and came
with instructions on where to drill the hole. Based on what I am
noticing on my tractor this makes more since now.
Still looking for advice on my situation described in my original post
here. Thanks yall!


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