I'm back to working on our Ford forklift based on a Ford 4000 gas tractor, 4 cylinder we have at the rail road depo where I volunteer.. Had it running last spring after having to replace points and condenser and having to remove some cork gasket caught inside the carb. Left it running for our normal mechanic guy to fix timing and adjust carb and haven't heard it run since. Problem this time is no spark. Problem is our normal mechanic guy can't figure it out and is a "throw parts at it" kind of guy so he finally gave up and was asked if I could take a look at it. Found the reasons for no spark (3 issues) and now have a good spark but still won't start. During all the confusion with different people working on it the distributor had been turned all over the place and has been actually out of the tractor. It may have got put back wrong and the tractor had been cranked so I'm thinking that is where the problem is but I'm looking for a bit of help on that problem. Assuming the distributor was out and the tractor cranked how does it get put back on correctly. I've had the #1 cylinder on top dead center on the compression stroke as needed as part of trying to get the distributor in the correct position. Any advice on how to know its installed correctly? I don't think this is a fuel problem since it was running last spring and nothing has changed with fuel. I do get some smoke and occasional pop when cranking.