Firstly, I want to thank the people that helped me with the timing and ignition issues on my son’s Ford Jubilee. I believe we have everything timed properly and we were actually able to get the Jubilee to run. One of the obstacles we had to do was to rebuild the carb. However, that is where I think we have a problem. Tractor will start and idle at the right speed, but it will only run on half choke, not full choke or no choke. As soon as we try and give it more throttle or put on any kind of a load on it, it wants to stall. As I was rebuilding the carb, I noticed that the venturi was loose in the new gasket that was provided. With the old gasket, it was quite tight. Is this creating some kind of break in the vacuum? We have good fuel to the carb as it drains from the bottom as it should . Adjusted the main adjustment needle to one and a quarter turns from stop and the idle needle one turn. Any help or expertise would be much appreciated. Thanks.