Ford one arm loader brackets

I’m looking for the heel brackets…transmission to loader brackets for a 1969 Ford 4000. I have the front bracket and the hip bracket. I’m located in Michigan. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I’m looking for the heel brackets…transmission to loader brackets for a 1969 Ford 4000. I have the front bracket and the hip bracket. I’m located in Michigan. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I think these are the 4000 brackets. I bought a one arm loader for my 3000 but have not put the loader on yet. I think the only difference between the 4000 and 3000 brackets is the front bracket. I can possibly get some measurements later today on the rear lower bracket but as you can see it is flat steel with holes in the appropriate places. I have a one arm loader on my 861 also. Both are the hydraulic bucket version.
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The tractor is sitting in my farm shop with the loader mounted using the front bracket and hip bracket. This tractor has orchard exhaust on it with the pipe running next to the transmission. I saw a picture that showed the heel bracket having a bend in it…wonder if that is why? I’m hoping someone has a side view of the bracket.

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