Fusion 360 CAD design software

dr sportster

Well-known Member
In my CNC class I have to learn a software called Fusion 360 . I am having trouble so I hired an online tutor. I have three weeks to learn this .The beauty of this software is it will write the entire G code program to cut the part and choose tooling and toolholder positions . It is an invaluable design tool. I may be struggling now but between me and the tutor I will have to master it to ease design greatly. Amazing world we live in these days . With help of a classmate i have machined an aluminum motorcycle neck and triple tree. So I know it works good.
Fusion 360 has been around quite a few years and many of the fabricators on youtube use it and seem to love it. You will get a lot of use out of it if you take the time to learn the inner details that add so much value.
G code was and is a pretty good thing, rock solid, unchanging. But (there is always a but) then each machine control manufacturer, be it Fanuc, Mitsubitsi, etc. has to add their unique flavor of canned cycles or sub-programs that all are just a bit different from something standard.

So a design and/or tool path software then needs a post-processor to edit for each controller. I used to use Mastercam and it seemed they could never quite get the post-processor to spit out exactly what we wanted for our Fanuc controllers. It was close enough to use when you got to know what to expect, but did require some editing at the machine.
I think the canned cycles are somewhat obsolete these days. Back when the cnc control's memory was really small they were a big help in getting the program to fit. These days controller memory is huge so it really doesn't matter if the cad/cam spits out a half million lines of g code.

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