G-VI Propane - Correct Thermostat Temp?


I am restoring a 1959 propane powered, MM G-VI. The parts book calls for a 170 degree thermostat. With the intention of replacing it, I found it has a 160 degrees in it now. Locally I am limited to buying parts at NAPA Auto Parts. They have the correct size thermostat in a 160 degree or a 180 degree, but do not have 170 degree thermostat.

Will it make a big difference if I deviate from the 170 degree temperature setting the parts book calls for?

If not, which temperature will give me the best performance with propane, a 160 or a 180?


Hello Skycarp
The warmer thermostat would be my choice, just make sure that the pressure cap is of the correct P.S.I. Make sure it is working by pressure testing the unit. Every Lb. pressure increases the boiling point of the coolant by 3 Degrees F.

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