gauge cluster problem


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I ordered/received an instrument gauge cluster for a 1967 Farmall 706.

The old cluster had a 2-terminal fuel gauge.
The new one has a 3-terminal.
How do I connect the wires?
The terminals a marked B,T, and E, which, I assume is Battery, Tank, and Earth ?
I tried to connect, in this order, and the gauge only pegs to "Full".
The old cluster had a 2-terminal fuel gauge.
The new one has a 3-terminal.
How do I connect the wires?
The terminals a marked B,T, and E, which, I assume is Battery, Tank, and Earth ?
I tried to connect, in this order, and the gauge only pegs to "Full".
Battery should be power from the switch. Tank should be to the sender terminal. Earth is for a ground wire. If the sender is not a match for the gauge it likely will not work/read correctly. Do you know the ohm range of the gauge?
Battery should be power from the switch. Tank should be to the sender terminal. Earth is for a ground wire. If the sender is not a match for the gauge it likely will not work/read correctly. Do you know the ohm range of the gauge?
I don't know the the ohms. I think that I might have figured it out. I can move the float and get the gauge to respond. Correctly or not, time will tell.

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