H Compression


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Good Sunday morning everyone, it’s a beautiful day here in Central Florida!
I’m 95% complete with restoration of my grandfather's 1941 John Deere H and its looking great! When I got it from a family member it hadn’t run in 12 years. I got it running and it had continued to start and run very well until recently. Now when I spin the flywheel the compression is so great I can hardly roll it over. With the plugs out it turns freely eliminating a seized engine theory. A friend recommended opening the petcock to release cylinder compression but to my knowledge the H models didn’t have such a thing. Suggestions are appreciated.

No petcocks on the H. Is it leaking gas into the cylinders? Check the oil level. If it leaked into the cylinders, the oil level will be high.
Agree. Shutting off the fuel at the tank valve every time the tractor is shut off is standard best practices. eventually rebuilding or at least replacing the needle and seat in the carb is probably worth it, and would stop the problem. But keep shutting off the fuel! Jim
Agree. Shutting off the fuel at the tank valve every time the tractor is shut off is standard best practices. eventually rebuilding or at least replacing the needle and seat in the carb is probably worth it, and would stop the problem. But keep shutting off the fuel! Jim
problem is the shutoff on the H is not a needle but a straight valve. Once it wears a little they don't seal well.
Unless the intent is to keep it OEM perfect a fuel rated 1/4 turn valve would work well. Jim
I have the quarter turn fuel valves on two of my tractors , it works well and an added benefit is that I can simply look at the valve and tell if it is on or off. This visual indication of the valve position is what I like best about this type of valve
them old j.d.'s you stopped them by shutting of the fuel. the D is a perfect example. no run on problems with them.
Thank you for your comments. I believe I have figured it out.
I looked at how much fuel was in the tank and it was significantly lower than a week ago when I last filled it. I then opened the oil fill petcock and low and behold a bunch of gas poured out. I had installed an in-line gas shut off valve so as not to be totally reliant on the old factory dash valve and upon checking found it to be dribbling fuel when in the off position!
After it cools down a bit tonight, I'll changed the oil, replace the in-line shut off valve, blow out the cylinders, clean the plugs and see what she does.
Thanks again for the feedback, it's been a pleasure!


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