H S Manure Spreader


I have a H&S 220 manure spreader that I rebuilt a while back and need to replace the 67T-bar slates, I found them at Shoup's for a good price, They call out for a 51-7/8 OA but the slat measures out at 52 I don't think an 1/8 will make a big difference.
Does anyone have a parts book or know which is the correct slat length?? I called H&S but they were No help.
Thanks Jay
Just get some 1inch or slightly wider angle by 1-1/2 or 2 inch and cut your own. they are not anything special for steel though you could get something stiffer from a steel yard if needed or a junk wider spreader like one of the tandem wheeled ones and cut down.
We ordered chain from Gruett in Potter for our 220 more than once. If I remember right, it was cheaper to order through them than it would have been through Shoup once shipping was included. If you're nowhere near east central Wisconsin, there's probably another manufacturing dealer near you that could look up the chain and get you a price.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Any body have a picture of this spreader? have no idea if a steel wheel horse spreader or a pto tractor spreader. Not sold in my part of country.

PTO driven spreader from the 60's & 70's. Very popular option in Wisconsin. Could have a hydraulic end gate or a slop pan on the back.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Marshfield, Wisconsin I believe. They build manure spreaders, forage boxes, running gears, hay mergers, hay rakes, etc. Very popular company in Wisconsin and surrounding states.

Donovan from Wisconsin


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