Halogen light


Well-known Member
I have a 110v Halogen dusk to dawn to light my flag. The bulbs are short lived 4 to 6 weeks and expensive. Is there any other bulb I can put in to last longer. The bulb is a GY8.6.
Halogen lighting's time has come and gone. Time to move into the twenty-first century with LED lighting.

As for the short bulb life, I assume you know not to touch the bulb with your bare fingers.
I learned the hard way on flag lighting. Get rid of the halogen, way to hot. Get a quality LED exterior flood light and fixture. Mine is going on 5 years, no problems.
is it simply plug the led in place of the halogen?

They do make LED bulbs that are a direct replacement for the same base halogen bulb.

But the Harbor Breeze base might be letting water inside causing early failure of the halogen bulbs.

Same will happen with any bulb.
is it simply plug the led in place of the halogen?
Depends on what you buy. If you've got bad power at the light somehow, all swapping to LED will do is make replacements even more expensive than they already are. Not sure what can be "bad" about it, John T might be able to help with that, but bulbs should be lasting more than 4-6 weeks.
Is the light fixture facing upward?
If so. The failures could be due to moister getting into the prongs on the bulbs from dew or such.

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