Help identify, Zenith carburetor types.


Well-known Member
Newbury, Ohio
Zeniths have so many "types" and look about the same. I'm trying to figure out which ones I have here. The cleaner is off an Ingersoll D-60 compressor with a Waukesha FC engine. Carb number is 9623 In my exuberant youth I wrecked the bowl trying to drill out the nozzle. I found the rusty one at a flea market just for the bowl but it's different, 11595 and for a Wisconsin AEN. The upper bodies are a little different and one has an extra port. Can somebody tell me which type each one is so I can get the right parts.


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By using the numbers you have or the numbers off of the round riveted tags in the last pic, can't see what else anybody would tell you.
The number are in the pictures. I'm trying to figure out what "type" they are, as in 61, 161, 267, Zenith used a lot of numbers.
Use the numbers you show in a web search such as "Zenith 11595 Carburetor". The carbkitsource website shows it as a type 161. It shows the 9623 as a type 61.

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