Help on baler

This is a round baler not to far from where i am. It is a little older that what i was wanting but is there anything else i should be looking at concerning age/make/model?
1988 GEHL 1465 For Sale in Mt. Sterling, Ohio |
The condition of the control box is dubious & the rest of the machine isn't far behind. I know appearance isn't everything, but I would suspect most of the machine when looking it over.

Otherwise, they're a decent baler, first in the lineup with density control.

This is a round baler not to far from where i am. It is a little older that what i was wanting but is there anything else i should be looking at concerning age/make/model?
1988 GEHL 1465 For Sale in Mt. Sterling, Ohio |
We use a Gehl 1865 variable chamber baler. Ours is string tie. Manual string tie meaning we move the twine arms to wrap the bale. They are a pretty straight forward piece of equipment. There is one thing I will warn you about. There are metal fingers above the gathering area that help keep the belts from shifting. When the bale is ejected the fingers raise and then come back down when the rear of the baler is lowered. If these fingers fail to come down I will guarantee the belts will wander and be intertwined. Not easy to get them back where they belong. Ours doesn’t always return on its own. A quick bump of the pto and ours goes back down if it isn’t . I always eject bale, put the rear down, and make sure the fingers are down before moving. Saves a lot of time and aggravation.

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