help with ring gear ford 8n

installed a new ring gear on my 8n and not the starter just spins and motor wont turn ,went to my starter and alternator man he said starter was good that the ring gear is slipping its been on for about 4 months no trouble at all starting ,any ideas. does the ring gear go flush with the flywheel where i can see, are to the back toward front of tractor any ideas appreciated i hate to split again
If you have the starter off pry on the ring gear to turn the motor and see if it slips. If you have a timing mark hole look through it while trying to start and see if the ring gear slips.
installed a new ring gear on my 8n and not the starter just spins and motor wont turn ,went to my starter and alternator man he said starter was good that the ring gear is slipping its been on for about 4 months no trouble at all starting ,any ideas. does the ring gear go flush with the flywheel where i can see, are to the back toward front of tractor any ideas appreciated i hate to split again
When I replaced my clutch and ring gear among other things,the new one spun,so I put some 1' welds at 90 degree spacing. No problems and an easy fix.

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