Hydraulic Filter 1850

oliver hydraulic filter.jpg

This thing has a sock style oil filter in it.......which I've never found a replacement for. I'm thinking it's the wrong filter put in there by the previous owner.

The filters I do see available are a cardboard style element with an O-ring small, and large seal. The thing is held against the small seal by a spring.

I have no spring in this assembly...........just a fat sock thingy.

Thoughts??????????? Where to get a spring, or at least a length on the spring so I can find something that fits with the proper(?) filter.

My NAPA filter book....from 2001..:LOL:..says it takes a NAPA 1781 or a Wix 51781. (Same thing)
I can't help you with the spring part, but do you think it looks like the correct one?
I would think AGCO or a tractor salvage yard would have the correct spring, if this filter is indeed the correct one. RockAuto shows this filter in their supply chain.
My 1550 was missing the spring. I found one that worked at a hardware store rack display. Took some depth measurements and and got one the diameter and length worked. All it needs to do is keep the gasket end of the filter against the surface. The older models had a disk and spring because both ends of the filter were open.
Thanks guys.

I believe someone put the old style FUEL filter in the canister, and deleted the proper paper filter. Unless, in the early model tractor this was the filter used.

The diameter of the canister will accommodate a large diameter filter, not like the smaller diameter filter canister I saw on Chris Losey's videos(in which the paper filter is used).
I'm not sure if you're asking about getting a different filter, but if you are, just get the correct filter. Yes, the cover has a lot of room in it, but there wasn't another filter as far as I can tell.
I'm not sure if you're asking about getting a different filter, but if you are, just get the correct filter. Yes, the cover has a lot of room in it, but there wasn't another filter as far as I can tell.
Nah, just wondering. New filter, old filter......WTF cares.......I'm thinkin' it's goin' to auction. Been a good runner for over 28yrs, everything has its expiration date.
Reading this thread has me a little bemused. I've had an 1850 since 1981, and a 1655 since 2000, and a 2-70 since 2014. None of them has ever had a spring inside the hydraulic filter cover. Learn something new every day.

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