Hydraulic Joystick options


New User
Hi All,

Currently my ford 4600 makes use of the rear hydraulic valves to control the loader. Valves are located under the seat which makes it painful to use.

I'm thinking of replacing it with a joystick to make it a bit more user friendly. Will still run off the rear hydraulic pump (8.5gpm) using a power beyond plate - got a HV5902 on order.

I see you can get valves which support regen. Has anyone got any experience using regen on a loader with low flow rates like this? Is it worth paying the extra $$s for it? I understand how it works in theory but is it that useful in practice.

Any recommended models/brands/places to purchase them?

Hi All,

Currently my ford 4600 makes use of the rear hydraulic valves to control the loader. Valves are located under the seat which makes it painful to use.

I'm thinking of replacing it with a joystick to make it a bit more user friendly. Will still run off the rear hydraulic pump (8.5gpm) using a power beyond plate - got a HV5902 on order.

I see you can get valves which support regen. Has anyone got any experience using regen on a loader with low flow rates like this? Is it worth paying the extra $$s for it? I understand how it works in theory but is it that useful in practice.

Any recommended models/brands/places to purchase them?

Its a stsndard feature on many modern loaders and will give you 50% or more increase in dump speed. I would not call 8.5 GPM a low flow rate. How big are your bucket cylinders?

The Brand LV22Rxxxx is a reasonably priced valve with regen in that size but you need to be careful about the joystick pattern. Some models are designed to mount on edge rather than flat.

If you will have any downstrean valves in the system you should seriously consider power beyond plumbing.

If you will have any downstrean valves in the system you should seriously consider power beyond plumbing.
The HV5902 kit is a power beyond adapter plate kit. Most loader control valves available these days have the ability to be switched from normal open center to open center with power beyond.
Yes I'll need a valve with power beyond to work with the HV5902 is my understanding.

I can get a summit hydraulics joystick for ~$200 without regen. Brand without regen from supluscentre for ~$300 or $360 with regen.

Not sure if there is any other brands/places to look.

Is it worth the extra $$s for regen is what I'm trying to determine. Loader is a single crowd (centre) not dual rams which will speed up the dump anyway maybe a little.

The HV5902 kit is a power beyond adapter plate kit. Most loader control valves available these days have the ability to be switched from normal open center to open center with power beyond.
Yes HV5902 has 3 ports but works just fine using two. HV4902 Has 2 ports but can be plumbed with a power beuond (high pressure carry over) valve using any tank return location - typically the hydraulic fill port.

The LV22 valve and most others can be used either way but wont be happy with elevated back pressure on the tank port. It and most others require a conversion sleeve or plug when used for high pressure carry over applications.

Yes I'll need a valve with power beyond to work with the HV5902 is my understanding.

I can get a summit hydraulics joystick for ~$200 without regen. Brand without regen from supluscentre for ~$300 or $360 with regen.

Not sure if there is any other brands/places to look.

Is it worth the extra $$s for regen is what I'm trying to determine. Loader is a single crowd (centre) not dual rams which will speed up the dump anyway maybe a little.

The Brand valve with regen from Surplus Center is vertical mount only. They do not sell the horizontal model.

The Summit valve with float and no regen has served many people well. That would be my choice.

You could also build your own custom configuration using a serial boom section wirh float and parallel bucket section with regen using a sectional valve but the price goes up, up, up....

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The Brand valve with regen from Surplus Center is vertical mount only. They do not sell the horizontal model.

The Summit valve with float and no regen has served many people well. That would be my choice.

You could also build your own custom configuratuon with a serial boom section wirh float and regen bucket section using a sectional valve but the price goes up, up, up....

Thanks - Yeah that's my thinking that Summit valve will be good enough.

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