I am missing ICM and now Majorman . Does anyone have an update ??

Yes, thank you for the responses. I did indeed mean KCM. Sorry about the confusion it caused. I wish KCM all the best !!!!!!
Al, (and all) I got an email from KCM yesterday. Without breaching his trust in me: He's going in for more tests. His health is up and down, but there continues to be hope. After all, he's still with us(y). And he knows you all care - a lot!! steve
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Al, (and all) I got an email from KCM yesterday. Without breaching his trust in me: He's going in for more tests. His health is up and down, but there continues to be hope. After all, he's still with us(y). And he knows you all care - a lot!! steve
I wish KCM the power of the Big Bud 747, and the endurance of a 41 Farmall M. may the ground be firm under your wheels. Jim
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I have not been able to find major today and checked my account. I'm not ignoring anyone. any ideas?
In upper right of screen
Click on Search then
Type in member name, then
Click Search
A list of his posts will pop up
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Under Preferences, "Always filter by First message" made the puzzles disappear.
Dave, is that a statement saying you did this and they disappeared? Or are you saying it as the answer to why he couldn’t see them? If you apply that “preference or filter” then his post will only show on Feb. 5th the day he changed the way he posts the pictures. He posts them in one long thread now. If you want to use that filter and don’t want to go back to Feb. 5 to see the puzzles, you will have to use the “New Posts” buttons at the top when you want to view them. That button shows on the main forums list page. Easy way to get there is to click the “Red YT tractor logo” at the top of the page.
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