identify engine?

Bought a 71 ford 3000. It was a gas tractor originally but was fitted with a New Holland diesel at some point. The seller failed to disclose this info. Now I don't know what I have and I'm trying to find parts for it. I have attached two pictures. Can someone identify what engine this might be from these pictures, at least the injection pump? Someone told me they thought it was a 4000 engine by the casting number, but wasn't sure... One of the things (among many others) I'm trying to identify is the stop cock shut off valve and the fuel filters. Looking at a Messicks diagram isn't helping me. Thanks.


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It's definitely a later engine because it has the diagonal braces in the casting. You mentioned the casting number but didn't provide a picture of that. Knowing the casting number might help us to help you. Also, the engine serial number might help as well. It is behind the steering linkage in your second picture.
Thats a BSD. Put couple in back in dealership days. What is the proof it was a gas unit in past. Without the numbers off foil tag or behind starter is about only way to know.
Didn't see any casting numbers behind the steering linkage. Some on the other side...


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Basildon Series Diesel According to model number it did start life as gas. It takes a bunch of parts to convert from gas to diesel .
Basildon Series Diesel According to model number it did start life as gas. It takes a bunch of parts to convert from gas to diesel .
If you look at the "model" number on the tag I posted it reads " C1023C". The book says that the "C" is for 3000 series, "10" for agriculture use", "2" for "gas", "3" for "live pto", and "C' for "8 speed".
Basildon Series Diesel According to model number it did start life as gas. It takes a bunch of parts to convert from gas to diesel .
Have any comment about my posting the numbers identifying it as a "gas" tractor? I am no expert on tractors. I would be interested in hearing opinions from those who are more knowledgeable...

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