Ignition switch


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I have a 1952 8N. The person that had it before me put a push button starter switch on it with a single wire running to it and then a wire off the other post. I want to take it back to original and get the original push button starter, but can’t figure out the wiring. The original old push button starter that is down by the gearshift has a single wire coming out of it with a connector. Where does that wire hook into behind the dashboard?

I have a 1952 8N. The person that had it before me put a push button starter switch on it with a single wire running to it and then a wire off the other post. I want to take it back to original and get the original push button starter, but can’t figure out the wiring. The original old push button starter that is down by the gearshift has a single wire coming out of it with a connector. Where does that wire hook into behind the dashboard?

The wire from the starter button hooks to the solenoid. They use a solenoid that grounds out to make it work so if it has the wrong solenoid it will not work
I have a 1952 8N. The person that had it before me put a push button starter switch on it with a single wire running to it and then a wire off the other post. I want to take it back to original and get the original push button starter, but can’t figure out the wiring. The original old push button starter that is down by the gearshift has a single wire coming out of it with a connector. Where does that wire hook into behind the dashboard?

That wire connects to the small terminal on the solenoid and when the button is pushed it provides a ground to activate the solenoid.
I have a 1952 8N. The person that had it before me put a push button starter switch on it with a single wire running to it and then a wire off the other post. I want to take it back to original and get the original push button starter, but can’t figure out the wiring. The original old push button starter that is down by the gearshift has a single wire coming out of it with a connector. Where does that wire hook into behind the dashboard?

Trace the wire off of the other post of the pushbutton switch and see where it goes. If it goes to ground then the tractor has the factory style solenoid that uses ground to activate it. Is there a wire on the factory switch by the gearshift? If so see where it goes. Before rewiring test the factory switch by the shifter and see if it goes to ground when pushed.

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