IH 240 utility part identification


I am putting a IH 240 back together that i have had apart for awhile and need to know where this part goes. See picture.

Also my battery box is basically gone. It sounds like the original battery box tops are not available but what about the lower battery box frame? Or do i need to just make one?


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I am putting a IH 240 back together that i have had apart for awhile and need to know where this part goes. See picture.

Also my battery box is basically gone. It sounds like the original battery box tops are not available but what about the lower battery box frame? Or do i need to just make one?
marine box
I would use a marine battery box. They aren't OEM, but are also tidy and easy to install. They are also non rusting! Jim
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I don't think there was much of a lower box. There were just two brackets with a right angle bend that bolt to the sides of the bell housing, each with a square hole fore a carriage bolt that reaches up to the cover on top. The battery rests on top of the bellhousing and/or on the two brackets.

Look at the drawing of the holder in the parts catalog (the pointer bc posted above).
I don't think there was much of a lower box. There were just two brackets with a right angle bend that bolt to the sides of the bell housing, each with a square hole fore a carriage bolt that reaches up to the cover on top. The battery rests on top of the bellhousing and/or on the two brackets.

Look at the drawing of the holder in the parts catalog (the pointer bc posted above).
Interesting. Looking around at 240 drawings I finally found a match for the dash panel of my 2606. Only difference is mine has a light switch on the right.

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