IH 350 disk

Should be able to just measure the diameter of the threads for size and count the threads on it for TPI since they are a fair sizes shaft and pretty course threads on most disc shafts. I would think like about an 1or 1- 1/18 with probably something like around 6-8 threads per inch maybe. As for where to get one several places can order one for you and McMaster-Carr would probably have one for you or some of the farm supply hoses like Agri- Supply or Shoup for just a few. And of course most any dealer would have one or can get them if you take the old one in to match up.
How did you check the 1-1/8 thread. The reason I ask is that there are two different threads, There is UNC, which is 7 threads/inch and there is what is called 8 pitch, which as the name implies is 8 TPI. It can cause real confusion in 1-1/8 and up size range. The 8 TPI is more common in industrial applications
Thanks i had 1 1/8 7 tpi tryed it wrong tpi on the disk yes i got pitch gague and disk at hunting lodge and i did not take it old age thanks again
THANKS, i tryed a 1 1/8 7 tpi of course disk is at hunting lodge didn't take my thread gadge i think tpi on this axle is about 5 or 41/2 tpi old age kicking in forgot to take an measure tools thanks for your responce

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