IH 444 gas valve


Well-known Member
on my IH 444 gaser. the stem of the gas valve leaks some. Don't see it drip but its always wet with gas.

would it be as simple as tightening the nut or is there a seal(s) inside that should be replaced? Not much gas in it at the moment so it would be a good time to tinker with it.

on my IH 444 gaser. the stem of the gas valve leaks some. Don't see it drip but its always wet with gas.

would it be as simple as tightening the nut or is there a seal(s) inside that should be replaced? Not much gas in it at the moment so it would be a good time to tinker with it.

Yes, just tighten it. It has a packing in there. If it does not turn unreasonably hard like “I’m afraid this is going to snap off” give it an 1/8 of a turn. That will probably fix it. I assume this is on a sediment valve or shut off under the tank. If it is something else you better give more of a description.
on my IH 444 gaser. the stem of the gas valve leaks some. Don't see it drip but its always wet with gas.

would it be as simple as tightening the nut or is there a seal(s) inside that should be replaced? Not much gas in it at the moment so it would be a good time to tinker with it.

I have been fighting problems with that area leaking on my 2424 for years. About every 3 years I have to take the line off and re seal everything with Gasoila, and its good for another 2 or 3 years. I did once have to take the tank off and have the outlet patched as there was a problem there.
thanks. i think i do need to take the bowl and valve off the tank and seal the threads too. was taken off before we got it by a guy that did work for my fatherinlaw and it was put back on without sealer. so i suspect i actually have 2 places its leaking some.

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