I am going to be working on my lawn this spring in Central Pennsylvania and want to see if I can get some input on how to make this happen efficiently while spending less money and using less time. We moved into our newly constructed home May of last year. It was so wet I could not get the ½ acre yard cleaned up to make grass until the beginning of June, which I then planted grass (quick grow mix of probably mostly annual and a little perennial) and covered with straw. First I want to note that my well is 700’ deep with 1 ½ pints of water per minute. Yes you read that correctly. That's only 240 gallons per day. I would take two 275 gallon tanks to my parents house and fill with water out of the creek and then run sprinklers off of that. I did this a couple times a week for a month. Grass grew up great and I mowed maybe 4 times. Then summer hit with heat and no rain. Grass died. Now I’m left with a bare looking yard with a bunch of matted dead grass and a bit of straw. I know this was probably a waste but I seeded my yard the beginning of October with a good perennial and nothing happened. I waited a bit too long I believe.
So now I would like some input into what I will do this spring. There shouldn’t be too much erosion because there is quite a bit of dead grass and a bit of straw left. The soil shouldn’t be too terrible because I applied lime and fertilizer when I seeded last year. Should I rent one of those machines that stirs the top of the soil and replant? Should I wait and see what sprouts (maybe some of the perrenial I seeded in October)? Should I plug aerate, apply fertilizer and reseed? Should I wait and completely redo the beginning of September which is supposed to be the ideal time of year to plant in PA? The local landscaping places want over $2,000 to plant my yard and I’m not paying that. Also keep in mind that I have very limited watering abilities due to my poor well.
So now I would like some input into what I will do this spring. There shouldn’t be too much erosion because there is quite a bit of dead grass and a bit of straw left. The soil shouldn’t be too terrible because I applied lime and fertilizer when I seeded last year. Should I rent one of those machines that stirs the top of the soil and replant? Should I wait and see what sprouts (maybe some of the perrenial I seeded in October)? Should I plug aerate, apply fertilizer and reseed? Should I wait and completely redo the beginning of September which is supposed to be the ideal time of year to plant in PA? The local landscaping places want over $2,000 to plant my yard and I’m not paying that. Also keep in mind that I have very limited watering abilities due to my poor well.