It happened again!

Bob Bancroft

Well-known Member
Aurora NY
Going up the road today on my backhoe. Had my left turn signal on preparing to turn into a driveway. I start to slow and pull over, and see out of the corner of my eye a white vehicle preparing to pass me. I have taken to pulling over some to the left so that someone behind me will get the idea. I stopped. She stopped. I made my turn. I checked my turn signal, and it was working. Ironically on the radio was another ad, run frequently, with local sheriffs trying to get people to pay attention around machinery, carriages, etc.
It is not just farm equipment. I was driving on a county road with my truck. I drive slow 50mph. and I see this car coming up fast and my left turn was coming up. So 75-100 Yards before the Turn I had my turn signal on just as I was turning to the left they passed me.
I always turn on my Signals before I start to Brake when I am drive my Car & Truck. Most people don't sign untill after they start to brake or Don't Signal at all.
Going up the road today on my backhoe. Had my left turn signal on preparing to turn into a driveway. I start to slow and pull over, and see out of the corner of my eye a white vehicle preparing to pass me. I have taken to pulling over some to the left so that someone behind me will get the idea. I stopped. She stopped. I made my turn. I checked my turn signal, and it was working. Ironically on the radio was another ad, run frequently, with local sheriffs trying to get people to pay attention around machinery, carriages, etc.
With farm machinery it has always been safer to pull off the the right to let traffic clear before making a left turn than it is to simply turn left and hope that all the other drivers somehow know what you are trying to do.

People miss the bright flashing lights on school buses, ambulances and fire trucks, they are not going to see a small single dust and maybe mud covered turn signals used on most farm equipment.
Most drivers signal just as they are starting their turn. I signal before I touch the brake pedal. Even see the local PD think it is not necessary to use signals at times. One time when pulling a bean platform into a field had turn signal on to turn right but had to swing wide to make turn. Cars lined up behind started passing on the right. Don't understand their thinking at times.
I was turning with hay van loaded making right turn into my road. Big load had turn signal on but had to cross over into oncoming lane. Just as I was about to enter my bridge a car flew by in front of my truck just missed hitting me. Crazy people. After I got into my road I saw several other vehicles go by which had waited until I made my turn.
Distracted drivers, drivers with zero experience or comprehension that some vehicles and loads require more turn radius, etc. Dash cams have become required equipment on cars and trucks and given the low cost these days would be a good investment on machinery regularly operated on public roads.
I've been hit a few times, never serious, and a lot of close calls. A few hundred feet on a busy county road and a blind hill at the driveway to the barn. Pulling to the right wouldn't work, not much berm and a ditch. I'd have the wife following with the hazards on and two or three cars will pass on the blind hill. I'll hand-signal well in advance and it's usually ignored. One kid thought I was waving him around.
All in too big a hurry. Can't let 10 seconds go by. Rather risk life and limb! Surprised you don't get shot for delaying them!
the one that gets me lately (last couple of years) is when i'm turning left onto another side road or street (and i do not have a stop sign) and there is a car in that street intersection going to turn left (at their stop sign) will start turning left as i get there to turn and they don't stop. if I slowed more in my turn they would drive into me. I do not get it.

we've lived in Indiana for about 30 years now. I still do not get people passing on the right. they would sooner drive thru the corn field than to have to even "think" about moving their foot to the brake pedal let a lone stop. even if the right lane is marked as a right turn only lane they still do it. cars and semi's both.
we've lived in Indiana for about 30 years now. I still do not get people passing on the right. they would sooner drive thru the corn field than to have to even "think" about moving their foot to the brake pedal let a lone stop. even if the right lane is marked as a right turn only lane they still do it. cars and semi's both.
My wife bitches at me for that all the time - not passing on the right except for places with plenty of paced shoulder and the waiting turning vechile well to the left of the lane. She also bitches at me for not speeding.
My wife bitches at me for that all the time - not passing on the right except for places with plenty of paced shoulder and the waiting turning vechile well to the left of the lane. She also bitches at me for not speeding.
I would tell mine, "our differing behaviors give me a better chance of out living you!"
Most drivers signal just as they are starting their turn. I signal before I touch the brake pedal. Even see the local PD think it is not necessary to use signals at times. One time when pulling a bean platform into a field had turn signal on to turn right but had to swing wide to make turn. Cars lined up behind started passing on the right. Don't understand their thinking at times.
I drove garbage truck summer of 78 and people driving behind while you back into a dumpster is common. A couple times I'm sure they were trying to get hit for insurance.
All in too big a hurry. Can't let 10 seconds go by. Rather risk life and limb! Surprised you don't get shot for delaying them!
Are you talking about the guy driving a car or the guy driving the farm equipment? IMHO, both are in the wrong. If two or more are vehicles stacked up following or have someone following for 1/4 mile or more it should be time to let the stacked up traffic go by. Maybe the equipment driver was too important to take 10 seconds to let traffic go by and then make the turn in safety?
Are you talking about the guy driving a car or the guy driving the farm equipment? IMHO, both are in the wrong. If two or more are vehicles stacked up following or have someone following for 1/4 mile or more it should be time to let the stacked up traffic go by. Maybe the equipment driver was too important to take 10 seconds to let traffic go by and then make the turn in safety?
....or maybe the right shoulder was too narrow for his BIG rig?
Are you talking about the guy driving a car or the guy driving the farm equipment? IMHO, both are in the wrong. If two or more are vehicles stacked up following or have someone following for 1/4 mile or more it should be time to let the stacked up traffic go by. Maybe the equipment driver was too important to take 10 seconds to let traffic go by and then make the turn in safety?
Agree, and around here at least I find most of the folks driving farm equipment on the road do pay attention to the traffic around them, stay as far to the right as possible and when more room is available move over to let more cars pass. Perhaps one reason I haven't noted any farm equip. / car collisions around here in the 15 years or so I've been out this way. I have noticed a few solo vehicles in ditches apparently due to driver errors.

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