JD 2440 hydraulic pump filter


New User
I'm changing transmission filter & screen.. On the hydraulic pump filter, it appears to be located at bottom front of pump (per JD dealer). I believe this is a "newer" 2440 s#341288T. Anybody ever changed??? Much of a job?? What is best way to do it? Any other suggestions??? Thx
I'm changing transmission filter & screen.. On the hydraulic pump filter, it appears to be located at bottom front of pump (per JD dealer). I believe this is a "newer" 2440 s#341288T. Anybody ever changed??? Much of a job?? What is best way to do it? Any other suggestions??? Thx
What issue has happened that prompted this quest?

Unless the hydraulic system has been severely contaminated or the brake pads have disintegrated or something else is beating itself to death and spewing metal chips into the hydraulic system it's unusual for the screen in the pressure control valve to need attention.
I only remember seeing small filter in frt hyd pump needing attention very rarely in the 13 yrs I served as a JD dealer service manager. If hyd's were operating correctly after servicing the large hyd filter then I'd not bother checking that small filter

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