This site may sell a reprint, you would have to call and ask, I did not see one listed as.

I gave you a link to the John Deere Construction and Forestry Bookstore back in May. Here it is again.

JD Construction and Forestry Bookstore.

Put your TM1468 in the center box that says Publication number and search, it will bring that manual up. Or put your model number in the model search box then click the search icon next to the center search box and it should bring up all the manuals for your machine. The info is on that homepage for you to call and talk with someone or set up and account to purchase the format of your choice.

As I mentioned back then the 410B uses a two technical manual set. TM1468 is the test and operating (diagnostic) manual. TM1469 is the manual with the wrenching details.

There are used (preowned) copies of the manual and reprints available on eBay.

Be aware that graphics in any reprint are likely not to be as good as were in the original manuals. Also, cheap reproductions and electronic copies may be incomplete.

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