Joe Cocker dead


Well-known Member
Joe Cocker,Crawford(Deltacounty)Colorado resident and former rock star,died yesterday at home in Crawford.He had lived at Crawford for over 20 years. He had lung cancer.The Cocker mansion at Needlerock was a local 'institution'.Joe and his wife Pam were very active(and generous) in the 'Cocker Kid's Foundation'. An organization dedicated to underprivledged and 'sick' kids. Once a year they opened their home for tours as a "fund raiser".Joe was 70.
No offense, but he was one of them "Rock and/or Roll" singers and was one of them substance-abusing hippies. Might be a hard sell getting any sort of sympathetic discussion here where the general opinion is that Hank Sr. was the last "real musician" to have walked the planet.
No offense, but I am going to be about as offensive as a person can get? Was that what you meant to say? This is a really good example of why there is a preview function to posting. You get to read and think about what you just said before you post it.

Sorry to hear the man passed. I enjoyed some of his music and the raspy, soulful way he delivered it. I feel for his family and friends at this holiday time.
You know the pot and the kettle are both black, that doesn't change that it is Christmas and a loss is bad any time especially this time of year , our thoughts and prayers will be with his family.
Was Crawford where they had their restaurant? We were there in 2000 I think. His wife was running it and he was in England on tour. She was quite a worker in there. They had the best ice cream cones.
My favorites Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings Did massive amounts of Cocaine and George Jones had his demons also.
(quoted from post at 16:29:38 12/23/14) Joe Cocker,Crawford(Deltacounty)Colorado resident and former rock star,died yesterday at home in Crawford.He had lived at Crawford for over 20 years. He had lung cancer.The Cocker mansion at Needlerock was a local 'institution'.Joe and his wife Pam were very active(and generous) in the 'Cocker Kid's Foundation'. An organization dedicated to underprivledged and 'sick' kids. Once a year they opened their home for tours as a "fund raiser".Joe was 70.

I liked Joe Cocker. He is one of the few people that could take a someone else's song and make it his own. For a long time when I was a kid I didn't realize "With a Little Help From My Friends" was originally a Beatles song. I like both versions but if I had to pick one it would be Joes version. As far as Hank Sr., there has been a lot of musicians that have surpassed anything he ever did. Hank Jr. whether you like him or not has surpassed anything his daddy ever did. To me Freddie Mercury was one of the last real musicians to have lived. I'm not talking about his lifestyle,just the music.
I just read where Joe was an avid gardener/tomato grower.He even gave some tomato growing 'workshops'.He just loved the seclusion of the Crawford 'ranch'.Indeed it was. At the very end of a dirt road at the upper end of the North Fork Valley,bordering the forest.
Hey Red, I have those too. Had one the other day on a boating forum. Don't know if beans the night before had anything to do with it or not.


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