john deere 246 2 row planter


Hi i am working on restoring a 246 planter with the round type ertilizer hoppers as far as i can tell from the parts manual
there is no method of fastening the tin hopper to the cast base can anyone shed some light on this for me please mike
The hopper just sets on the base and then the hopper is bent in to fasten it on, Same as the 290-490 planters, same hopper.
Hi i was after how the tin hopper fits to the cast thanks your answer and a hunt on ebay gave me the answer . my hoppers were bad rusted in the cone shape i have made new cone shapes top was no problem to make the lip i put it into the shrinker and made the lip. The bottom was another problem as i could not find a fastening method , and knew it was not just going to sit on there filled with fert . so thanks for the conformation Mike

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