John Deere 2650 price?

I’m getting ready to sell this John Deere 2650 but have no idea on what to price it. What do you all recommend? Details are below with pictures. Located in Central, KY.

John Deere 2650. 78 HP. Tractor starts right up and drives good. 3 point works, pto works. The cab is in rough shape inside and out. Needs the wiring gone through, the wiring harness is un-plugged, it has wires running to the starter to start it. Steering cylinder leaks, needs new seals. Needs the fuel sending units, it currently is ran from the bottom of the fuel tank to the fuel pump. This tractor needs some work done to it but seems to have good internals.
Geeze… If it was in excellent shape, that’s a $20k tractor. I’m assuming the hours are completely unknown. I’d think you’d be lucky to get $7-8k for it. There are two types of buyers for a machine in that condition Those that will try to use it like it is (and they don’t have much money). And those that are willing to spend the time and money to fix it (and they will start discounting heavily, based on the obvious and the uncertainty).

It might help a bit if you have some of the missing parts in decent shape, and spend a little time getting the wiring sorted. Tractors with bad wiring can hide all kinds of issues as most all the gauges and warning lights don’t work.
Geeze… If it was in excellent shape, that’s a $20k tractor. I’m assuming the hours are completely unknown. I’d think you’d be lucky to get $7-8k for it. There are two types of buyers for a machine in that condition Those that will try to use it like it is (and they don’t have much money). And those that are willing to spend the time and money to fix it (and they will start discounting heavily, based on the obvious and the uncertainty).

It might help a bit if you have some of the missing parts in decent shape, and spend a little time getting the wiring sorted. Tractors with bad wiring can hide all kinds of issues as most all the gauges and warning lights don’t work.
You forgot the 3rd buyer; salvage yard
Geeze… If it was in excellent shape, that’s a $20k tractor. I’m assuming the hours are completely unknown. I’d think you’d be lucky to get $7-8k for it. There are two types of buyers for a machine in that condition Those that will try to use it like it is (and they don’t have much money). And those that are willing to spend the time and money to fix it (and they will start discounting heavily, based on the obvious and the uncertainty).

It might help a bit if you have some of the missing parts in decent shape, and spend a little time getting the wiring sorted. Tractors with bad wiring can hide all kinds of issues as most all the gauges and warning lights don’t work.
I just posted it yesterday for $6,400, will probably drop it to 5,800. I had plans on fixing the wiring and some other stuff but it has just sit there because I haven’t had time to mess with it, I know if I put 1k in it I’d probably get 2k or more out of it. I’m just wanting it gone now.

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