John Deere 290 planter problems


Getting ready for planting this year and noticed my 290 will stay in the trailer position, drop in the field when I pull the lever, and then immediately come back up. It looks like the arm that lifts the chains hits the trip lever when tripped which causes the planter to think I'm pulling the lever. This causes it to raise every time I try to lower it.
I believe there is so much wear in my mechanism that this happens. By the way I have been using it for 3 years now with no problems.
I was thinking about grinding away where the lift arm touches the trip lever I tried to take pictures as I spin the drive wheel. You can hopefully clearly see how the lifting lever contacts the trip lever which raises it causing the planter to rise. Anyone have any other ideas besides grinding the trip lever where the lifting arm contacts?


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Modify that mechanism, what ever it takes. The arm is too close to the trip lever. Must be wear that has let it get too close. Your thinking is correct. Try that, if no work, you can weld it back-up and try something else??
Before you start grinding, take a look at the hole that the pivot bolt goes in. It's probably egged out, so maybe you could weld it up and redrill it, along the with replacing the pivot bolt. That'd most likely get rid of a lot of the slack. Now, looking at the parts book (here's a link: ), it almost looks like you're missing a part or two. So you might double check what you have against what the book shows.


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