John Deere 80 repairs update.


Well-known Member
Not much exiting to report other than a good friend of mine came out this morning and helped with splitting the powertrol and PTO off the 80 to replace the axle seal that was leaking and adjusted the play in the axles . It went well and is all back together. Now moving on to welding up cracks in tin work and replacing the wire harness. Sounds like we are getting snow next week and cold weather so we brought in a few more tractors to work on as well.
We are getting white out as I type. Time to button up the place and stoke the fires. It might be moving north. PS: I'm still having troubles with the green in your shop:sick:. steve
Hi Steve. There is a bunch of green around here for sure. Still more red than green though. We put some tractors in the shop before the snow and cold hits and none of them are Masseys. A couple more JD’s, an international W6, a Cockshutt 50 and a WD45 Allis. May have to change my name. 😃😃
Hi Steve. There is a bunch of green around here for sure. Still more red than green though. We put some tractors in the shop before the snow and cold hits and none of them are Masseys. A couple more JD’s, an international W6, a Cockshutt 50 and a WD45 Allis. May have to change my name. 😃😃
Yup, I think your handle is false advertising, now. Maybe "AnyOldTractorNut" would work for you now. Although, the Massey's are probably still in the majority.
Yup, I think your handle is false advertising, now. Maybe "AnyOldTractorNut" would work for you now. Although, the Massey's are probably still in the majority.
I really like that name Steve. It’s good. Yes still more Masseys than any other brand for sure. I’ve got the buying and fixing part of this “tractor hobby” figured out just have to get the selling part sorted out. 😃😃. No one can say my new shop doesn’t have stuff in it now.
That's a huge shop!!

Is that an R in the photo with your 80?
Hi Rich’sToys. It’s really big when you’re sweeping the floor for sure. Lots of space to work on stuff. That is an R in the picture. The JD in the other picture is also an R but someone before I got it had painted the hood to look like a 20 series tractor. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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