John Deere B Serial 147,428

Ya, tell us the story on it, YT’ers like stories! :) Where/who was it sold to last? Your way ahead of the guys that come on here looking for grandpa’s tractor but don’t have the serial number.
Well, it's a 1943 - war baby. Got it most of the way back together (after finding out #1 cylinder was cracked internally). It's got the dreaded steel serial tag which is badly corroded and largely unreadable. I'd figured out its in the 147,301 to 148207 range based on features is has. I also dipped the serial tag in phosphoric acid and it revealed the last three numbers are 428. So, I'm about 90% sure it's serial 147,428 but I wanted to see if anyone else out that has that number in case I'm incorrect. Fat chance probably but you never know!



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