John deere M multiple paint layers


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I bought a John Deere model M with no serial number on
it. Ill identify the year myself, but the tractor is painted
brown. I know that brown was the color from the North
Carolina highway department, but it was brown at the
factory. This M is brown on top. The colors on the tractor
going top layer to bottom, are brown, yellow, John Deere
green, then the oil pan has some sort of blue color
showing through it. The tractor cant be from the North
Carolina highway department because their tractors were
the industrial versions, and my M is not. Underneath the
hood it is all yellow
I am a bit of an industrial nut so I might be able to help and I know a few M guys that are VERY good.

The MI wasn't made until 1950 and the M started in 47, so if a customer wanted a different color M that would have been their only option. I've seen orange and yellow Ms

I'd love to see more of it, the more pictures the better.
[email protected]

It's been painted and repainted a few times. The bottom layer (primer) was yellow. Next was a green topcoat for agriculture or whatever highway color was ordered. M's were made for 3 years before the MI. Highway departments used them first.

The blue is from cheap aftermarket paint. That's why it's to be avoided.

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