John Deere restoration


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I’m in the process of restoring my grandfathers John Deere 1020, and have a handful of questions about the paint process.
I’ve stripped most of the tractor down to bare metal, or close to bare. After stripping it I sprayed it with 85% phosphoric acid that wasn’t diluted. It seems people have mixed opinions in regards to washing the acid off, and I wanted to know what the best option was. I’m planning on using John Deere buff and seal primer.
Seems like an overdose of phosphoric acid. Did you follow the instructions. When did you apply it? I think you should wash the whole job down with clear water, dry and inspect the surface. You should get rid of any acidic residue before attempting a primer coat.
I have been using phosphoric acid for rust conversion for over 15 years, though not in such a high concentration. I always rinse aggressively. small parts are tossed into a bucket of water, large pieces get pressure washed.
I’m in the process of restoring my grandfathers John Deere 1020, and have a handful of questions about the paint process.
I’ve stripped most of the tractor down to bare metal, or close to bare. After stripping it I sprayed it with 85% phosphoric acid that wasn’t diluted. It seems people have mixed opinions in regards to washing the acid off, and I wanted to know what the best option was. I’m planning on using John Deere buff and seal primer.
Ask yourself this, would you mix phosphoric acid with the paint you are using. It's a foreign substance which if not washed off would end up in the paint. If you are worried about the rinse causing rust you could put fans on it to quickly dry it off. Some stubborn level surfaces you might hit it with compressed air or a leaf blower.

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