Link vbelts for driving generator or fan

Hi, Does anyone have any experience with using link belts on farm tractors to drive the fan or generator.? I have a 1957? John Deere 420w farm tractor. To change a generator or fan belt is a nightmare on this tractor. I would have to remove almost the entire front end to do the job.
I have seen one or two pictures of link belts being used on these tractors. If I could use one on my 420w. It would save me a LOT of work. Can anyone out there give me some advice or information on using a link belt to drive the fan or generator, on a farm tractor.I would appreciate the help very much..thank you in advance.
i use one on my farmall m for the alternator drive belt. a breeze to install vs the oe type. works well, no problems.
IMHO you are overestimating the effort. I removed the circular fan tip shield from the radiator shell, and by moving it
around was able to provide clearance to change the belts. Not fun, but doable.

The link-belt is a good solution.
(quoted from post at 14:13:19 05/01/23) I've been farming and owned trucks for 55
years and never heard of a link belt.
I had to Google it. Pretty slick.

Believe it or not, link belts run smoother that V belts. I have a 14" band saw that had a lot of vibration in it. I switched to a link belt and the vibration was gone.
Link belts are a good substitute until you can do the job correctly. Worked with a lot of folks in the cotton ginning industry that would use these on the night shift when a belt failed on a drive. Then the day shift had to change in the morning. These belts do not transmit as much power as a same sized V belt.
(quoted from post at 19:01:54 05/01/23) I did the same thing on a table saw, runs so much quieter and smoother.

Yeah, it's amazing because those link belts look so lumpy and bumpy. :wink:
I have a tractor with an add on generator. The lower radiator pipe runs through the belt. A link belt works fine.

I found Jason brand belt on eBay quite a bit cheaper than elsewhere.
I've ran one on my tablesaw for
years but I wouldn't put one on my
tractor. The edges tend to roll up
and that's going to wear into the

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