Looking for yard tractor

The bad , of bad boy , LS and Bobcat is resale value. Not enough dealers and neither have anywhere close to a decent market share. Sop question becomes where are you going to be say 6 /8 years from now or trade in value. Then the real thing come is value for your money , if you shop and REALLY compact with a good completive dealer you can get the same features on a KUBOTA for very little more. Cant go wrong with buying the kUBOTA ./
Good to see you are back.
I know a guy in Tennessee who might be able to put together a used Kubota
On your Terramite bucket, that is an impressive log for that tractor to be lifting and looking at the bucket surely you ensure that it can't come loose and roll back on you. On an open station tractor you are a lot more vulnerable but it has happened with rolled hay, killing the driver.

Any idea as to why they went out of business?
Any idea as to why they went out of business?
The owner got old. No dealer support. Not making a profit. Just my guesses.

The upside, this tractor weigh 3100 pounds and doesn't rip up sod like a bobcat will.

As for the log rolling back, what you see in pic is about the max the loader will lift, 7 ft. The log is 10 ft long.
If it did roll back, this tractor has a full roll cage.
I know a man who is paralyzed from the neck down because what he was lifting with a bobcat came back on him and pinned him in the seat,
If you are thinking backhoe, I would up the HP to about 50 HP. Not sure how deep you plan on digging but bigger is almost always better. if you are not an experienced backhoe operator, you should know that the depth specification of a backhoe is usually their maximum depth right in front of the operator’s station. For instance if you want a 6 foot deep trench, you would need at least a 9 foot max depth backhoe or you will have to move the tractor with every scoop if the max depth of the backhoe is only 6 feet.
Looking to get a new yard tractor. We have 15 acres. Basically used for moving downed trees, boulders, general yard stuff. Looking at 25hp. Currently looking at all manufacturers, but concentrating on BadBoy, Kubota, BobCat, NewHolland, LS. ANY input Greatly appreciated. Basically looking for the goods, bads, uglies.
"yard tractor"? Is that a euphemism for toy tractor?
Folks have a 23ish HP Kubota and FILaw has a 26ish HP Kubota both with loaders. Dad got his with a loader and belly mower and it mows well. he had the rear tires loaded (farm kid so he knew the importance) and even with turf tires it is amazing what it will pull.

FILaw only got the loader on his. but didn't get the rear tires filled and no other weights. It is just about useless in soft ground. it won't pull itself out without anything in the bucket let alone carring a load around. Dealer shouldn't have delivered that way. FIL is a bit cheap on some things. it is also a bit tippy if on uneven ground with the loader up. Point is to get the rear tires loaded and i would also consider rear wheel weights. yes an implement or back hoe would give weight but hard to beat weight in the wheels getting the center of gravity down low where you need the traction and stability. there will be that one time you'll have nothing on the back and want to pull something.

as barnyard said dealer is important. almost as important as researching the tractor. I'd go with kubota if close by and a good dealer. Not sure who makes Deeres or NewHollands small tractors now. Yanmar used to and you can buy Yanmars but i couldn't begin to tell you where there might be a dealer here. of course features and price and finance offers also can contribute to your decision.

good luck.
Or better yet put a ballast box on the 3 point hitch. Yes, make sure you buy a tractor with a 3 point hitch. Due to the laws of physics the weight in a ballast box is much more effective for weight transfer than filled tires.
no way in h

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