Maple tap tally report


Well-known Member
Neighbors kids tapped 19 that I counted . Got two bulk storage tanks . So might a part of High school horticulture class project . Just a guess . High school has all their trees tapped,also.
what’s goin on in your neck of the woods ?
That’s pretty cool to see so many trees tapped! It’s great when schools get involved with projects like that. Around here, we’ve been noticing a lot of community gardens popping up. It’s awesome to see more people getting into growing their own food and sharing the harvest.
How much liquid do you get out of a larger size maple? I did smaller trees and researched the process. Quite a few health benefits associated with pure maple syrup.
How much liquid do you get out of a larger size maple? I did smaller trees and researched the process. Quite a few health benefits associated with pure maple syrup.
Usally one tap to 8-11 inch tree ,12 -15 inch 2 taps ,and 3 taps to the biggies , this I what do as a hobby produces.
Im guessing on the volume cause it depends on the temperature daily. But my bags hold 10 quarts. Depends on the location also if the tree is in the sun ,I’ll empty it twice a day. These my hobbies numbers
Also a full sized oak will give off About 100 gallons of water per summer day in vapor ,check me out on that claim.
I never thought about doing oak. The numbers you list are more than I ever thought would be produced. That's a lot of cooking down.
I never thought about doing oak. The numbers you list are more than I ever thought would be produced. That's a lot of cooking down.
Very sorry , don’t tap oak that statement was misleading, it was in reference to the amount of water volume that the tree such oak ,maple will process in a day .
you can tap all maples, box elder ,but the sugar content varies less than sugar maple the preferred , sorry

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