Massey 135 stalled while brushhogging


New User
I was brush hogging and tall grass and briars and the tractor stalled out. Now it overturns but will not fire up. It acts like it's out of gas almost, but I checked the tank and appears to to have plenty of fuel in it. This tractor is recently bought and I havent learned all its tricks yet. I only had about 10 minutes left to mow anyhow before i had to leave so I haven't had a chance to look at it. Just wondering where to start when I get it back at it.
Check your filters and make sure gas is getting to the carb. You can remove the inlet line and give the engine a few cranks. You should get a pretty good flow to the carb. If it's just a trickle you may have a clogged filter. Also check that fuel is dispensing from the tank. Make sure your tank petcock is turned fully open. Not sure about your model but you may also have a pre-filter inside the tank at the outlet. Good luck! Might also be the fuel pump so you'll want to check the flow through that. I had a situation some time ago where fuel was filling the oil pan. Turned out that the fuel pump inner seal had breached and was pouring fuel into the engine. Check your engine oil!!
You should tell which engine it has. No fuel pumps on the gas engines.

Stich the tank and see how much is in it, looks can be deceiving.

Check fuel flow out the carb drainplug. It should maintain a steady flow and fill a pint jar in less than 2 minutes.

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