massey 85 steering and pto problem


New User
So I have had this massey 85 for a while know and never have had a problem with the steering or pto until today I started it up this morning and had my pto driven backhoe on it. I used the backhoe and front loader for about half hour then drove over to were I wanted to unhook the backhoe and reinstall the grader blade to finish spreading some gravel. So while tractor was running I was placing my blocks under my backhoe attachment pto pump was not engaged. I heard a pop noise kind of thought to myself that was weird wonder what that was. So I went ahead and finished removing lower pins and climbed on tractor to engage pto so I could lower outriggers and lower backhoe bucket. And noticed the pto wouldn't engage. So I just hit the lower bucket lever and it went down from weight and finished unhooking it and went to get back on tractor to drive over were grader blade was sitting and noticed I had no power steering and was about impossible to steer. So engaged pto lever into gear speed and it turned no problem but under rpm it and steering don't work. I tried to remove power steering filter and cleaned it out wasn't bad anyway. So I am not sure what to try next. I read where there is a oil line to control valve that can pop off which maybe could explain the noise I heard. Please help and point me in the right direction of were line is to check or what I need to check next. Hopefully I can remove top cover under seat and get to what ever I need to access.
Thanks In advance.
Drain five gallons from the front rear end drain plug, then remove the power steering pump/plate assembly and see if the drive gear is broken, if that pump stops you WILL loose power steering AND PTO. The PTO is fed by the power steering return, and has a pressurizing valve in the front trans cover maintains just under 200 PSI if I recall. That pressure can be checked where the red dash light pressure switch is in the PTO supply/power steering return line. The power steering relief valve is in the front of the trans cover, and a split is needed to access it.
So I drained 5 gallons of fluid and pulled the power steering pump out to find out the screen was destroyed that filters the oil and found the gear was missing a couple teeth and I can not turn the gear at all something inside the pump has locked up. So I need to locate a power steering pump and sure wish I new what caused this anybody have a source for good used pump. Thanks
The 85, 88, and Super 90 all used the same pump, BUT the S90 pump drive gear is DIFFERENT, you still need the drive gear from an 85 or 88. MF changed the gear tooth angle but pumps will interchange long as the correct gear is used.
Well I have located new one with no gear are you kidding me at a grand I don't think that will happen. I aint sure what I am going to try.
So still looking to locate a pump but I also need to locate the correct gear. I guess the gear and the screen are discontinued and I need both and understand the 90 uses a different gear. anybody have any sources for both of them.
I read where on here where someone tapped the plate and threaded a hyd line to it for power steering or looking for another option maybe instead of trying to locate these parts.

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