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Hi yall, trying to help my dad with an issue. He has a little massey Ferguson 1010 manual transmission that he cuts grass with and never had a problem. Today he was plowing snow and it started and ran great for about 15 minutes then it died. He tried to restart it and I seen it pouring out black smoke but it did start back up pretty easily but wouldn't Rev up past much more than an idle even with the throttle at full speed. Drove it to the garage and I don't know much but I said let's make sure your air filter isint plugged up or something. So took it off and it was fine but restarted it and it ran fine so put it back on and it was running fine so we tried again and within another 10 minutes it was doing the same thing. Won't Rev much past idle, wants to stall climbing any slight hill. Just parked it and gave up. Any ideas? I don't believe remove the air filter the first time did anything I think that was just coincidence. Tried that the 2nd time but it didn't help that time. Thanks for any ideas.