Massey TO 35 Sputtering

M Frame

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I have a 1955 Massey TO 35 I bought a couple of years ago. Upon purchase, I replaced the carb, points/condenser and Battery (it had an 8-volt battery in it so that's what I replaced it with).

Ran fine since, until last week when i was raking hay. Started spitting and sputtering and finally died. Pulled it to the farm and got it to spit and sputter some more, but that's it. I have since pulled the carb apart and cleaned. It already had a new see through filter that looked good. I replaced the fuel line also. Now it wont spit or sputter. It was suggested that the points might be bad. I checked and there is spark at the points, but nothing at the plugs.
Did I burn the points up with 8 Volt battery. It ran fine for 2 years on 8 volts. Looking for any help. Thank you in advance


  • TO 35 points.jpg
    TO 35 points.jpg
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Did I burn the points up with 8 Volt battery.
I don’t know did you? You tell us. Prop the points open and take a close up pictures of them. What is the gap on the points? When points are working correctly with the ignition on a test light with its lead connected to ground and probe held on the nut the contact strap and spring are under should not light when the points are closed and should light when they are open. And should flash on and off when cranking the engine. I’m not good enough to look at a see through gas filter and tell you if it can flow gas, maybe you can. What kind of flow did you have out of the fuel line before you reconnected it to the carb? Do you have gas in the actual carb bowl, check the drain plug.

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