MF 165 engine surge problem


Well-known Member
My buddy recently bought a pretty decent 165, The engine will slowly vary rpms up and down. I have a set of manuals ordered, but would like to see if anyone is aware of this problem, and the repair of it. Most of my pump experience is with Sims pumps, not CAV. It's a little irritating when he is trying to feather the loader controls. Thanks in advance.
What speed?
I will have to check closer, I was working on the steering when he was telling me about the problem. I did notice it tended to do it slightly at low speed too, but I had three things going at the same time. I'll check tomorrow.
What speed?
Didn't get up to the farm yesterday, life got in the way. What is actually happening, If you increase the engine speed, it will come up to that speed, settle there for a moment, then the engine speed increases a couple hundred rpm. Sometimes will drop back a little. after speeding up. Seems to act about the same at all rpms. Using the loader, when raising, the engine will labor, then speed up suddenly. That was without a load. He had been using it to unload round bales, and put them in the barn, so I'm sure it was far worse. To me, it acts like the governor is slow to respond. I'm supposed to receive the manuals nest Monday. I would appreciate any insight
Didn't get up to the farm yesterday, life got in the way. What is actually happening, If you increase the engine speed, it will come up to that speed, settle there for a moment, then the engine speed increases a couple hundred rpm. Sometimes will drop back a little. after speeding up. Seems to act about the same at all rpms. Using the loader, when raising, the engine will labor, then speed up suddenly. That was without a load. He had been using it to unload round bales, and put them in the barn, so I'm sure it was far worse. To me, it acts like the governor is slow to respond. I'm supposed to receive the manuals nest Monday. I would appreciate any insight
Sounds like the metering valve is sticking, causing erratic governor response. Try adding a pint of two cycle motor oil to a full fuel tank and see if it helps.
Sounds like the metering valve is sticking, causing erratic governor response. Try adding a pint of two cycle motor oil to a full fuel tank and see if it helps.
Dieseltech; Followed your advise, ran it for a while, then had to do some repairs on one of the owners trucks, so got sidelined. Brought it in today to replace the p/s control link, then took it out and ran it, the more I ran it, the better it reacted. Thanks for your help.


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